Unity in Diversity

The Interfaith Opportunities Network (ION) is  a lay-led interfaith network based in Hampshire County, Western Massachusetts, seeking to strengthen bonds of mutual respect and understanding. We desire to learn from others’ faith traditions, rejoice in the many things we have in common, and appreciate our differences. We respond as inspired by our shared concern for peace, justice and the earth.

The Interfaith Opportunities Network (ION) is made up of 21 different faith congregations and campus ministries. We include Baha’i, Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Quaker, and Unitarian communities.

Other information on this site…

About ION – history, what we do, Joan Lindeman Awards, statements to public media
ION Groups — Information on the congregations and campus ministries affiliated with ION
Why interfaith? — read statements by representatives of different congregations as to why
Activities — some ways we learn about each others’ faith traditions
Projects — reflecting our shared concerns
Shared Concerns — these reflect the shared values of many of our congregations
Resources — for interfaith work


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Amherst, MA

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Amherst, MA